Saturday, May 1, 2010

His dog could have died because he was stoned

Location: Sam's Green Paw on Ventura where the awesome dog DEREK goes to play with friends, get his nails clipped, you know day at the spa. As I was picking little D up, the two of us got in the car, started the car and there was a car parked to my passenger side. The guy whose car it was (lexus suv) was outside the car at his door with some sort of yellow large dog. He made no movement when I started the car, and I thought to myself....I am going to hit this dog if I pull out. So, I kindly rolled down my passenger window and said "hey, I don't want to hit your dog man!" and then it was like he just realized I was in the IN REVERSE car next to him and turn to me to say "oh..ok...yeah..we'll move." Hat, Aviators clad Juaquin Phoenix, thick as molasses was the guy...

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